Working with Neil Gaiman, on Wayward Manor.

Working with Neil Gaiman, on Wayward Manor.

Hi, I'm Jorge.

I was born in Mexico city in December 1981.   The earliest thing I can remember is a trip I took to my granddad's house when I was two years old;  he had a store with arcade machines, and I played Pac-Man on there.  I was hooked, from there I moved on to Space Invaders and River Raid, and a few years later, on to Mario.

I knew very early on that I wanted to be involved in the game industry.  By the time I was 10, I was playing around with the circuit boards of my granddad's old arcades to hook them on a tv and build makeshift consoles.

I got my bachelors degree in computer engineering at the UNAM in 2005, and after working for three years, I saved enough money to apply for a masters degree in computer science in game development at USC.  I graduated in 2011.

I've had a very prolific and fortunate career so far, expanding my skills as an engineer, designer and even producer.  I worked at Disney Interactive as a lead tech designer after USC, and now I'm lead engineer at The Odd Gentlemen, working on really exciting projects.  And of course, always looking forward to the next adventure.